E lost patience quickly and just started drawing faster with each stroke. His dogs gave us a chuckle as they reminded us of the dog from the Simpson's.
I found that I wanted to change the dog with each drawing. I tried my best to stick with the same shape but it was very difficult. I have a very hard time drawing without a direct point of reference.
I decided that I would give my three favorites a their own collage background and color to fit their appearance. I like them much more with these perspectives.
Alley dog.
Bistro dog.
Naughty dog.
Drawing Lab is a weekly assignment link up, inspired by Carla Sonheim’s book Drawing Lab for Mixed Media Artists, and hosted by Angie of Angie Allen Wedding & Event Stationary. If you want to join us, stop by Angie's blog and post a link to your work (blog post, flickr, etc.) where we will share our exercises each week.
These are fantastic! I can't decide which I like best. I suspect they may vary with my mood. E's dog does look like Santa's Little Helper. Hee hee!