Every morning, I drop my youngest off in front of his school. I pull my car in line with the rest of the parents, stealthily kiss him on the cheek, and watch him exit the car to meander his way to the front door of his school. Each morning, I sit there, eyes glued and watch him for that one moment that he may turn around to wave. It doesn't happen often, but I don't want him to miss me if he happens to look back.
This morning I laughed as I realized that this little moment in my morning makes me so happy. I watched the other parents in their own routines: some walk their children to the door, some just stand by their car, a few drop their kids and take off late for work. Most of us lingered...watching...waiting...
He didn't look back this morning, but I was glad I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore.

Diagram of E meandering from car to front door of school.