I distinctly ('stinkly') remember my mom's perfume, Tabu. It is the first recollection I have of the power of perfume. Over the years, I've gone through many different brands and scents. I used to ask for a new perfume each Christmas and if I was lucky, the perfume would come with an extra make-up gift set.
One year, my dad told me that I should have a "signature scent" and not constantly change brands. He wasn't telling me this so that I could emulate Coco Chanel but rather so I'd stop asking him to buy me various expensive brands at every mood swing.
As perfumes seem to last forever, I still have several of these bottles sitting on my childhood dresser in my dad's house.
This is not an exhaustive list but rather a brief summery:
Blue Jeans by Shulton
Love's Baby Soft
Obsession by Calvin Klein

Sometime in the mid '90s, I found a great shop in Chicago and fell in love with an oil blend called Egyptian Musk. Haunted by my dad's words about having a "signature scent" (which, btw, also includes style, but that's another post), I've been wearing it exclusively ever since (tres
Coco, no?!). Now, not every Egyptian Musk is the same and I've been in contact with this store and it's various owners over the years so that I don't loose this scent. It practically oozes from my pores and even on days that I don't wear it, I've been told you can still smell like it.

Tell me about your perfumes. 'Fess up, was it Charlie or Jean Nate? What was/is your favorite or must have brand?
Oh, and guys, I know you can join in on this one! Remember Drakkar anyone?