The only uncomfortable moment, for me, was when Jennifer Aniston and Jack Black presented. Jennifer seemed nervous. I knew they'd show Angelina who was sitting in the front row.
So I'm back from a great trip out West. We had so much fun and the weather was...well, sunny and warm. The kids loved CA. I'm actually surprised at how much. We believe we had one major star sighting at Universal Studio - Jon Heder (Napolean Dynomite). We are 99% sure it was him. We dined with Shamu at Sea World and we ate lots of Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese food. You'd be surprised at how much weight can be gain from eating Asian food.
At least we have blue skies here in RI today. It may take me a day or two to get back into the swing of things. I'm sure by the weekend, LA will be but a distant memory.