Friday, April 11, 2008

The "going on vacation" business curse

I do not exaggerate when I say that every time I get ready to go on vacation, I get slammed with orders. While I'm complaining, I'm grateful to get the orders! But I'm beginning to think I should be going on many more vacations. It would be good for my business!

I just put my last order in the mail. After this post, I can begin packing. We are heading to Sanibel Island, FL. Its just a short drive away from Fort Meyers.

I'll be honest, I still work on vacation. The Internet has made it easy to stay connected. Even in Vietnam, I was able to stay on top of things. This is both good and bad. Here are a few things I always do to ease any concerns on vacation:

1) Give notice. I contact my regular clients so they have a heads-up. I announce that my studio is closed in my Etsy shop.

2) I only check my emails and convos just once a day and sometimes every other day. While not necessary, it alleviates any stress about the unknown.

3) I make a list of immediate things I need to do once I'm back. This gives me a running start when I return.

4) I let go of my work and put my vacation hat on. It is so important to rejuvenate and enjoy the family in the moment!

Gotta find my flip-flops!


  1. Happy Vacationing, wow, I never took my laptop with me, you are one busy bee. But the "staying on top of things" makes sense, I am always almost scared to turn on the pc after I had left for a trip.

  2. Have fun!!! I don't really remember what vacation's been a few years for me.

  3. We had that same problem. As soon as we put up our "on vacation sign" Everyone and their mother wanted to buy a shirt from us. It's a bit ironic.


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