Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The things people do for fashion

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I'll admit, I've squeezed my feet into many a pair of shoes. Frankly, my feet are beginning to show the results. But, I draw the line here. This is the latest craze from Japan:

Okay, so this is a bit extreme. However, it isn't just modern day madness. Check out the kind of shoes that were worn in the day of the Geisha (caution: not for the faint of heart). What a price to pay!

Note: LNK, I'm making you an official contributer to the blog. Thanks for sending me such great stuff!


  1. Aaack! Good thing I haven't had lunch yet, this would have made me lose it!

  2. Happy to share with my #1 Favorite blogger! Keep up the good work!
    miss ya!

  3. I would fall down and break my neck...not only are your feet squished...you have to maintain perfect balance!

  4. Awful! Just awful! You couldn't pay me to try wearing those.

  5. Hi! I think the pictures here and the foot binding originated from China. Not a Geisha tradition to bind their feet. My grandmother was rescued by foot binding by the red quards before she went to Malaya.

    Love your blog! Come visit mine!


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