Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A new pair of shoes everyday!

Like many women, I have a shoe fetish. Okay, its more like an obsession.

I came across Mohop, the Chicago based handmade shoes, about a year ago. Mohop, is the brainchild of Annie Mohaupt. She began making shoes in 2005 as an experiment to see if she could actually make them. Well, she not only succeeded in making them, but proceeded to be innovative about it. These shoes are individually handmade to custom fit each customer. They are fashionable, versatile, comfortable, and environmentally friendly. The bomb!

Each pair of wooden soles (in a variety of heel and wedge heights) comes with 5 ribbons allowing the wearer multiple design options. A "how to tie" booklet accompanies each purchase.

Endless shoe style possibilities...a girl can dream, can't she!


  1. I love the ones on the bottom right hand corner.

    to answer your question about having your item in my widget. I made an etsy mini of my favorites. There's an option to do that when you make an Etsy mini, which I assume you know how to do because you have one. It shows up in your blog everytime you heart something new.

  2. STOP IT! STOP IT! You're making my head spin...I may not sleep tonight!
    LOVE IT!



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