Sunday, March 23, 2008

Play-doh Cologne -- childhood in a bottle

I can't believe it and why didn't I think of it first. I always loved the smell of Play-Doh and even to this day, it immediately brings me back to my childhood. Now I can buy the cologne!

This limited edition, 1 oz. spray, was created to celebrate Play-doh's 50th birthday. It's available now for a limited time from the Demeter Fragrance website. Check out this scent and others like Necco Sweethearts and Jelly Bellys at:


  1. Hmmmm... I'm not sure I'd want to smell like Play-doh :0)but what a concept!

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure when I'd choose to smell like Play-doh, but there is something about that scent!

  3. Ha! Who would've thought! Off to open my sons playdoh tub.


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