Thursday, October 2, 2008

Consider this! Living in the 50's

Have you ever wondered how you would have survived in the 1950's? Would you have found life more or less complicated? Would you have accepted societal norms and assumed the role that was handed to you? Would you have enjoyed that roll or fight it tooth and nail?

Marzipan, an aspiring freelance writer, is on a year long quest to discover what the stereotypical life as a 1950's wife would entail. She has set some pretty stringent rules for herself, like no microwaves, cd players, and prime time tv (any shows from the 50's are okay -- I would have quite after realizing no Project Runway). She not only lives the roll but dresses the part. She is documenting her progress on her blog, My 50's year: Recreating a seemingly simpler past in 1 year, which gives us a glimpse of her day-to-day life.

I'm excited to see how she does over the next 11 months (she's on day 29). I know I'd not make it through day one. So, join me in supporting her through this journey. I suspect this is going to be a long year for her!

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