Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ask Candy: Dyes for Fabric

Hey there, it's Candy! My crazy May is over and I am ready for summer to start. Here is a question from Debbie (who doesn't have a blog or website, so I can't send you over to say hi).

Hi Candy,

I saw you on the Pokey Bolton show Quilting Arts Episode 703 and I loved the results you achieved dyeing duck cloth. What is the brand name of the dye you use? Your work is stunning. Thank you.

Thank you so much Debbie! She is talking about my "For the Birds" messenger bag:
that I showed on Quilting Arts TV. (I'm also teaching a class on how to make this in Chicago at the Create Retreat on August 24). Anyway, I use Procion MX Fiber Reactive Dyes. They are professional fabric dyes, and lucky for us, easily available online from:
These dyes may also be available locally at craft supply stores, but these do have a shelf life and need to be stored properly (heat and moisture destroy their reactivity) so “buyer beware”. Procion MX dyes dye natural fabrics only, they can dye cotton (and other cellulose based fibers like linen, rayon or hemp) in basic conditions and wool or silk in hot, acidic conditions. They can NOT dye polyester or other artificial fibers.

I've written about how to use these dyes several times:
I'm also working on an "Ask Candy" post for tie dyeing with kids - so look for that soon right here! Hey, I had no idea I'd posted so many places about dyeing! Thanks for asking Debbie :-)

OK, who's next? Got a question for me? Ask away!

[Candy lives in California with her husband, 2 boys, and dog. Aside from being wife, mom, teacher, crafter, web guru and all around doer extraordinaire she manages her own business, Candied Fabrics. You can read her blog here.]

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