Hi everyone! I feel like I'm completely out of the blog/cyber loop. We are down to the last few weeks before we move to Reno. 27 days, to be exact. I was fooling myself in thinking that I'd be anything but harried, emotional, overwhelmed, and nervous. Simply put, I'm wound up as tight as barbed wire. Watch out!
Last Friday, I decided to take my products off of my website temporarily. It's too difficult for me to continue sales when most of my studio is packed away. You can still access my site as well as contact me. You just can't buy from it right now. If you want to be the first to know when products are again available, please join my mailing list.
I'm trying to tie up loose ends. My great friends are organizing our goodbye parties and I'm still sorting, selling, and separating our clothes and household items. As nomadic as I thought I was, I do not want to move again. Ever.
I've seen Bridesmaids twice now because I've needed to laugh. Nothing makes you laugh harder than a girl crapping her pants in a formal gown. I'm trying to think of things I want to do before we move. Funny how my brain gets stuck and simple decisions get harder to make. I find that I just get up and go without actually thinking about it. I may head to the Lizzy Borden Bed & Breakfast in Fall River later this week for a tour. It's something I've wanted to do.
What's going on with you currently? I know some of you are renovating and gearing up for summer. I'd love for you to share what's on your plate.
Oh, Good luck with packing and moving, I don't envy you. We came to the States 13 years ago with 4 cases, 1 truck, carry ons and a 1 & 3 year old. Now the boys are both in high school, we have a house full of "stuff" and we never brought much over from the UK - my precious 30s china collection is still there! I dread the thought of ever moving! As for the summer nothing much is going to happen - summer school & band camp for the boys, keeping the rats & the raccoons OUT my veggie garden, making quilts & jewelry for the Fall season and fingers x'd my hubbie can fix the rv so we can get a way for a couple of days - I so miss the sea living 70+ miles in land.