Thursday, September 16, 2010

Preserves - posted by Crafted by Lindy - Fab Finds on Etsy

1. Rice Paper Butterfly Archival Museum display - Bug Under Glass

2. Any Three Jams or Jellies - Bovine Bubbles

3. Canning Jar Tags - Strawberry Jam - kraze4paper

4. Anchor and Lifesaver Vinyl Wall Decal Set - Wilson Graphics

5. Wild Blue Yonder Wild Blueberry Preserves - Wee Bee Jammin'

6. Wildlife Preserve - Do Not FEED the ANIMALS Poster - Dean Works

7. Help Me - Vagando Fine Art Photography - Vagando

8. Save The Vinyl - Truly Sanctuary

[Lindy lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband, son and new baby girl. Besides blogging, she enjoys running her stationary business and creating new designs for her Etsy shop. You can read her own blog here.]


  1. Thank you for sharing my photography on your blog. I love your blog, what fun choices. Thanks and I will be checking back often. Vagando

  2. Thanks so much for including me on your post!! It totally made my day!

    Kara {DeanWorks}

  3. Thanks so much lindy! Its so nice to "meet" another fellow Canadian here. Thanks so much for including our jams and jellies in your post!

  4. thank you for turning me onto this blog! love what you are writing about!!

  5. So excited to be included -- thank you for including my Strawberry Jam Tags Lindy!!

  6. thank you for turning me onto your blog! Love the items in here


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