Wednesday, September 15, 2010

52 More Weeks of Blogging your Passion - an ebook review

kick that bokeh with mark 2

[photo by recep-bg on flickr]

Sometimes I simply need a swift kick in the rump.  If you've followed my blog for long, you know that I blog out loud and often write things hoping they'll come to fruition.  I say to myself what I want others to say to me,  "Snap out of it and enjoy what you do!"  "Spend more time in the moment!" Sometimes, it takes a lot to motivate me. 

I've been blogging since March of 2008. When I began, I had little direction.  I simply wanted to keep track of things happening in my business.  I've learned so much since I began and and have watched my blog grow.  I don't want to stop now.  So, I just read part of 52 More Weeks of Blogging your Passion by Tara Gentile of Scoutie Girl.  This is where the swift kick comes in...Tara is like having your own personal trainer. She's a motivator.

52 more weeks of blogging your passion  

When Tara took over Scoutie Girl in July 2009, I knew change was in the air.  I had been writing a biweekly post, Zoomed Local, for Jan DiCintio (Scoutie Girl's founder and owner of Daisy Janie) up to that point and was going to continue writing for Tara.  However, I needed to sit back and see what was going to happen next.  So, I did just that.  I read Tara's blogs (including Big Thinking for Small Businesses), tweets, FB posts.  I watched her burst out of the starting gate with kinetic energy .  Frankly, she hasn't stopped.  She has inspired, explained, intrigued, enabled and encouraged small businesses and, particularly, the handmade community.  I don't know where she gets her energy or prose, much less her great ideas.  One thing is for sure, she's kept them coming.  What's more, she practices what she preaches.  She's making her own dreams come true.

Tara just launched 52 More Weeks of Blogging your Passion and is offering preorder pricing and specials including a webinar on September 21st. Whether you are thinking about blogging or have been doing it for a while, I recommend Tara's ebooks (the precursor to this book here).  While I am an affiliate partner, I can promise you that I wouldn't promote something unless it resonates with me.  Tara is helping me push the envelope of my business and my blog.  I'm certain she'd do the same for you.  If you need a swift kick in the blogging butt,  click here to view more details.

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