Friday, January 20, 2012

My letter from Lil' Miss Thang :: OM [one moment] meetup

This week, I received an incredibly sweet letter from my little neighbor in Rhode Island. When we moved into our home there, she was just a baby. We spent 7 years as neighbors and I watched her grow into a lovely young girl of almost 8. It was hard saying goodbye.

Lil' Miss Thang,' as I've been known to call her affectionately, wrote that she missed me. I cannot tell you how much that makes my heart smile.  I miss her, too. We shared a lot in common.  She and I were surrounded by boys: her 2 older brothers, my 2 sons. We would laugh at the boys and talk art. I would make her accessories that she would proudly wear. I appreciated seeing her smile and wave every morning as we all started our days heading in different directions.

She included a drawing of me in the letter. It's hanging on my inspiration board in my studio.I had planned to write a friend for this month's Project Letter Writing. Now I look forward to adding Lil' Miss Thang to my list. I'll include photos and maybe an easy origami project.

There is nothing like getting a letter from a child. They are filled with so much joy, sincerity, and innocence.  Project Letter Writing and my OM [one moment] serendipitously collided this week. January could not have started off better.  Thanks, Lil' Miss Thang!
What was your moment this week?