Friday, September 2, 2011

Seeing my baby as a young man :: OM [one moment] meet up

My oldest started his freshman year of high school this week. My time with him at home is fleeting.  Without completely gushing about him (which would tick him off), I'll simply say I'm so proud of him and feel so fortunate to be his mother.

My moment this week was sitting in the stands watching him play in his first high school football game (#74). He started (and played the entire game) on offensive and defensive tackle. I never considered myself a soccer mom, but I was definitely a hoot'n and a holler'n football mom. My youngest son had to move away from me because he was so embarrassed. I vacillated between cheering for him and declaring he looked injured.

"Woo hoo!" 

"Is he limping? His ankle looks like it's bothering him."

"Get him!"

"He looks tired."

My husband told me to stop "mothering" him.  Really?!  That's who I am and what I do.  I'll mother him 'til the day I die.

What was your moment this week?

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