Friday, September 16, 2011

Missing my little ducky || OM [one moment] meet up

Rubber duckies

This week, I had an empty feeling every day, all day.  Something was missing.  My heart ached a little.  My little E was gone from us for his first extended trip ever.

Each class in E's new school travels on a week long trip together. This year, his 5th grade class this year went to a beautiful 1500 acre ranch of Yellow Pine Forests where they could hike, explore, and bond together.  I understand that he will come back a changed boy (for the better).  He was so excited to go that he barely said goodbye to me when I dropped him off at school on Monday.

I've missed him since the moment he left.  Each day I've wondered what he's doing, where he is, if he's happy (I know he is/was).  It's hard to not be in communication with your child.  My rational side knows that his trip away was good for all of us.  My mommy side is all too aware that my baby is becoming more independent and a young man.

Shhhhh.  Please don't tell him about this post.  Duckies, baby, mom mush is totally not acceptable by his standards, but I really had to share this with you.

He comes home today and I'm so excited to hear about his adventures. I can't wait to hug him and simply sit and listen as he shares every detail.  It's been a long week for me but a week of extraordinary experiences for him. 

NOTE:  I've added Instagram or Flickr to the mix.  If you just want to share with a photo moment, just use #OMmeetup. 

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