Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Collaboration pillow w/ Daisy Janie in current Living Crafts magazine

Back in late January early February, I made a pillow woven with some fabulous Daisy Janie Shades of Grey fabric.  While I was excited to work with Jan, I was a bit nervous about how I was going to make this pillow.  Weaving seat belts pillows is one thing but cutting/sewing/weaving fabric (especially as beautiful as Daisy Janie's) is something completely different. 

That bit of unease was enough of a challenge for me so I put on my big girl pants and went to work.  Well, that pillow (and the photo I took) can be seen in the current Living Crafts magazine.  Proof that you just never know where a project, collaboration, challenge will take you.

Thanks, again, Jan for the opportunity to work with your beautiful fabric (still have some house shoes in the works).

1 comment:

  1. I sent them quite a few images and had no idea what they'd select. Wooooohooooooo! I was so happy for both of us when I finally got a peek - your handiwork showcases what DJ fabrics are all about in one suh-weet pillow. Thanks again, Linda!!!


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