Friday, May 13, 2011

How do you handle limbo? OM [one moment] meet up #51

My husband went to lunch, 14 years ago, with his boss.  He broke the news that he would be leaving Citicorp Diner's Club to pursue medicine.  Ironically, this is the fortune from that lunch.  C found it yesterday as he was packing for London.


It's hard to believe that 14 years ago, we were just beginning our road through medical school and residency.  At the time, he was just starting to take pre-med courses.  Today, we are a mere 41 days from his last day of residency.  It seems so surreal.

I've been going through an emotional, physical, and mental roller coaster.  Saying goodbye to friends and family is looming and never fun.  Since my back went out 6 weeks ago, I've had to slow down in my normal daily routine.  Added to that, my studio had been packed away and I purposefully stepped back from my business.  In this past week, I began  Something was not quite right.  Not necessarily depression, but unrest.  Since I feel like resting is all I've done lately, this didn't sit well with me.

I went for a walk with a friend of mine who said she was feeling the same.  Although her life situation is different than mine, she was also feeling "off."  It's a kind of limbo.  Can't move forward.  Can't do what we are used to doing this time of year (besides running my business, I'm usually gardening).  Limbo.  We realized we are doers.  We are used to moving at a fast pace through each day, accomplishing a lot and taking little time to rest.  If we aren't 'doing' we feel out of whack.

My moment this week was accepting that I feel my best when I'm busy.  I also realize that this moment in our lives will, hopefully, never happen again.  At least now I know why I've been a bit 'off.'  My new mantra is busy will come back, find ways to enjoy now.

om [one moment] meet upOM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment.  Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, actively looking for and sharing these moments will promote balance in our lives.

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below)  or on my Facebook fan page. If you are on Twitter,  use hash tag - #omMeetup so we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

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  1. I hope C. will save that fortune. What a turning point... I am a doer too and I know what you're feeling. It's a good time to make pie in the sky plans for your future life and to go to Europe :)

    Let's see if we can get together when you get back!

  2. Ah, I know how tough this is, saying good bye SUCKS! But the world is a small place nowadays...and pretty soon you're gonna be a DOIN' FOOL! So rest up and gather ye rosebuds baby! ;-) Have FUN FUN FUN in LONDON!

  3. I go through those phases on a smaller scale every once in a while. It's really tough to pull myself out of it. Sometimes I just give into it for a bit and then start making lists again. Once I get back into the swing of things I feel better.
    Good luck with everything.

  4. Word for word, I absolutely can relate. Off, not quite right, unrest, limbo...add to that, paralyzed. I absolutely believe that this too shall pass, but I'm growing impatient with how long I've felt this way. I also believe that "doing" is the best medicine for me too. I need to write more OM moments...


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