Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back from Reno!

I'm back from Reno.  We actually got in on Monday evening.  I didn't expect to go "off the grid" at all let alone for as long as I did.  Must have been what I needed.

We had a wonderful trip.  We wandered, aimlessly, exploring Reno and its surroundings (Truckee, CA and Mt. Rose).  We went to a minor league ball game (Reno Aces), visited our new home (boys first time),  shopped the schools, drove all over the city, ate great food and interesting restaurants, got to know new friends, went skiing (two of us, and not me), bonded with each other, and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  We are all the more excited for our big move in just 2 months.

Reno Aces

Joe's Diner, Reno NV


My back is much better proving that I overdo things at home.  It took a solid month of taking it easy to feel close to normal.  I certainly don't want to experience that pain again.  I will have to relearn how to do things in moderation which will be difficult as I've always done things in overdrive.

So, what's next?  We are dotting "i's" and crossing "t's" on selling our current home and buying our new one.  I can't wait to share pictures of our home in Reno.  I don't feel like I can yet until it's officially ours in early July.  I will say that it will change the way we live.

I'll edit some more pictures to share with you in the coming days/week.  I'd love to hear what's going on with you.  What have I missed since I've last tweeted, blogged, or facebooked (we've gotta come up with a proper term for fb)?

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