Friday, March 25, 2011

I was afraid I'd like it! OM [one moment] meet up #45

Shhhhhh!  I have a huge secret to share with you.

I have a secret

I was afraid to stop working (or slow down in any way).
I was afraid of packing away my studio/office.
I was afraid to put my Etsy shop on vacation for at least 6 months.
I was afraid of not promoting my business as I have for the past 5 years.
I was afraid of being forgotten.
I was afraid of the all the changes in my life associate with our big move.
I was mostly afraid that I'd love not doing what I've been doing for so long.

My moment this week is that of realization and acceptance. 

So, what?!

It will all be okay.
It will all work out (as it always does).
New and exciting things come when we open ourselves up to the possibilities.
I'll be remembered by those most important to me.
Fear does nothing but hold me back.

Is fear holding you back?

om [one moment] meet upOM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment.  Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, actively looking for and sharing these moments will promote balance in our lives.

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below)  or on my Facebook fan page. If you are on Twitter,  use hash tag - #omMeetup so we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

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  1. Isn't it funny how much we can build some things up to epic proportions in our heads, and when we actually do it it's not such a big deal? Sigh...been there done that many times!

    Big moves - you kinda have to give yourself over to them...remember they're up there with death of close family member and divorce on the stress-o-meter. Once you're in Reno, you'll be building on the foundations of what you've done and taking it up to the stratosphere!

  2. @Candied Fabrics

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I hate thinking that this is as stressful as a death but it does certainly feel like it.

  3. Talent like yours won't simply disappear...I can only imagine what you come up with next!! xoxo

  4. Possibilities. That's all I have to say :)

  5. Fear is the greatest scourge of the human race. However I fear stagnation, not change. The hubs and I are nomads at heart and envy your upcoming move! ahhhhh..... the grass is always greener :) Can't wait to see more photos of that gorgeous home you bought!

  6. Moving is always stressful, because it is always a big change. Change rocks. You will come out of this move and be even more of who you are (which is pretty great, I must say.) What you do with that IS what's possible.

  7. Oh the possibilities....
    they're endless for talented, authentic, savvy, and inspiring gals like you!

    Can't wait to what's next for you & look forward to hearing more about your move.


  8. Have faith in your talent and embrace new opportunities that are waiting for you.It could be difficult but no so much as you're afraid of; you'll be fine.

  9. Linda...I'm with Robin. This is a major life change not just for you, but your whole family. The unspoken emotions must be splattering all over the place. Take care and be good to yourself.


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