Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy 3rd Blogiversary, alamodestuff!

Numbers by Ian Pearson GB, on Flickr

Today is about numbers for me.  It is the 3 year anniversary of this blog!  You can visit my very first post here.  I took a leap of faith when I started blogging and here I am writing my 994 post.

There have been 2989 comments from wonderful readers, 3 fabulous contributors (thank you, thank you, and thank you), generous sponsors, and a few guest posts along the way. 

I've chronicled my business and personal life.  I've laughed, cried, promoted, bragged, taught, learned, and vented.  Through this blog I've grown personally, professionally, and technologically.

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful experience.  This blog has evolved in many ways and I look forward to its next evolution as my family moves across the country and new adventures unfold.


  1. Wow! Congrats, what an accomplishment! Your blog is so full of inspiration, wit, & wisdom- I just love it, xo

  2. Love the first post! Happy Blogiversary and many more!

  3. congrats, linda! such a huge milestone. i truly enjoy visiting here, and love everything you have to share. you are a woman with a lot of talent + wisdom, thank you for sharing it with all of us :)

  4. @Cyn

    Yep, once a procrastinator always a procrastinator. At least it got me going! Thanks, Cyn!

  5. @lesley [smidgebox]

    Thank you so much, Lesley. I've made some really great friends in all of you!

  6. Happy Blogiversary!! Thank you for sharing your art, inspirational ideas, feelings and thoughts with us xxx

  7. Congratulations Linda! Your blog is always an inspiration and I find myself nodding my head in agreement with your posts.

  8. COngrats lady! I love your first post - I too have internal dialogs and have found that blogging is a wonderful way to pin them down and make sense of them!

  9. What a great milestone! Your blog is a "must read" for me. I look forward to enjoying it while you rack up more big numbers. Wow!

  10. Wow, isn't that amazing. Congratulations! I look forward to reading your blog, for many more years to come ;)


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