Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DIY easy envelope message wall display

You never know when and where you might be inspired or find a great idea.  The boys and I recently visited our local public library.  This envelope display was in the young adult section.  I was initially drawn to its overall appearance on the wall, but then realized how utilitarian this could be in your home.  You could have separate envelopes for each member in the family, for coupons, menus, notes, pens, etc.

  • box of envelopes (any size and color)
  • hole punch
  • string, yarn, ribbon, or pipe cleaners (same or various colors)
  • tacks to secure to wall (heavy duty tape might also work)

How to:
  • Simply punch a hole in each corner of the envelope (4)
  • Tie the envelope together with the yarn or string
  • Tack to wall

Additional ideas:
  • Tack the envelopes to a large cork board to easily hang it as one large piece. 
  • Make each envelope a day of the week and create a monthly calender.

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