Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 Tips on creating a great Facebook fan page

Update: 11.21.10 - Because of the great response to this post, I've decided to create a mailing list so that I can share more FB Fan page tips with those who want it.  You can click on the badge to the right -----> or on the mailing list sign up link.  Thanks so much! 

I've had a fan page on Facebook for quite some time now.  I'm slowly beginning to grasp the advantages of having a fan page and how I can use it to engage people.  Yesterday, I updated my page just a little and sparked a few questions from readers and twitter followers.   As I tweak my page,  I'll share some useful tips I find along the way. [click photos to enlarge]

1.  Grab attention by using a large profile imag.  Did you know you can use a picture up to 540 x 180 pixels?  So why not use all the space you can to promote your page and your brand? If you can't make an image this size yourself, ask a friend who has Photoshop or a similar program to help.  (yes, I'm a friend).

2.  Stand out from the rest of Facebook fan pages by creating your own landing page.  You may have noticed that Facebook is very uniform in it's design.  Everyone's page looks alike.  A landing (or home page) is a great way to grab attention.  This is what people see when they find my page and are not already fans:

The tabs at the top of your page (the wall and info are standard) are apps that can be easily added.  There are lots of them out there that for you to use.  You'll notice I have an Etsy tab that feeds my current products on Etsy into my fan page.  I also currently have an events page (which needs to be updated). 

But, the most important app, in my opinion, is the Static FBML.  This is what I used for my landing page and my new "Fan of the Month" page (in development).  It is an app that allows you to create your own content using standard html coding.  You can add graphics and links making the page as custom as you'd like.  This site offers great step by step instructions to adding Static FBML to your page.

3.  Use consistent branding such as your shop or business logo.  I also read somewhere that adding your picture (you'll notice mine on my page profile pic) makes it more personal.  After all, it is called FACEbook for a reason.  People want to see who you are.  Note also that it's the same profile pic I'm using across the internet:  Twitter, Facebook, etc.  People actually recognize me from these pics and approach me by yelling, "hey, you're alamodeStuff!"

4.  Engage your fans with updated content, contests, polls, etc.  This is something I'm trying to improve upon.  I currently re-post my blog which is redundant for some of my fans.   I am working on a few ideas and will certainly share them with you as they develop.  If you have suggestions, ideas, comments, I'd love to hear them.

5.  Once you have 25 fans, you can change your URL to reflect your name.  Mine is  Here's a link to help you update your URL name.

So, go for it!  Make your fan page as unique and interesting as you are!  Play with it!  Have fun!  If you have questions or need help in implementing any of these suggestions, let me know.  I'm happy to lend a hand.


  1. Oh, man. I SOO needed this. Thank you!

  2. Hey! This is great. I have a fan page but over all find Facebook confusing and hard to navigate so I avoid it. Perhaps this will get me into gear to use it more! Thanks Linda!

  3. thanks so much!
    i now had no idea of how to 'use' my fan page i have...or how to link them...since the 'etsy' tab was taken away..
    i appreciate ya alot!

  4. What a great, concise and informative post! FB is a powerful tool and this will help utilize it to the fullest.

  5. Thanks, all. I figure we might as well utilize what we have, like it or not.

  6. I have been planning on changing my landing page for a while, I guess I'd better get on it. Your page looks fantastic!

    I didn't know about the large image, I'm definitely going to make use of that too. Thanks for the great post!

  7. Tizz, I can see your page being bright and colorful! Have fun with it!

  8. This is SOOOO helpful Linda. I've been trying to figure these things out forever. I just get frustrated and give up. I'm bookmarking this and using all this info as soon as the holiday madness is over. THANKS!

  9. Great info! Thank you - just started a page about a month ago so am looking at ways to improve it. Thanks!

  10. Wow! What a wealth of information! Had no idea about the profile pic sizing and the static landing page. Thanks for sharing!

  11. ok, my thanksgiving holiday project! thanks!

  12. these are great tips...thanks so much them (Sarah a friend of Angie's in Reno)

  13. awesome. rad. cool beans. fabulous. need I say more? off to play with this!!!


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