Friday, October 15, 2010

Top 10 reasons why I love Reno, NV

OM [one moment] meet up - week #26

The Biggest Little City In The World!

Yep, that's right! The contract has been signed, the ink is dry. We are moving to Reno, Nevada.  When?  Sometime around the 1st of July.  I've been waiting for this moment for 13 1/2 years.  It is surreal, exciting, scary, and bittersweet.  C will finally be finished with residency and we anticipate that this will be our final move.  It will be the first time in all these years, that he/we may have a "normal" family routine with weekends free and evenings together. We might be able to attend a BBQ as a family or a school meeting together.  No more 90+ hours a week of work for him.  No more indentured servitude.

Much like landing in Rhode Island almost 7 years ago, Reno was not on my radar.  I've been to Las Vegas once and now Reno twice (both times relative to the interview).  But great things happen when we least expect it.  I'm sure I'll be sharing much about our move in the coming months: how will this affect my business, how will the kids transition, house selling/buying, saying goodbye to good friends, etc.  But today, in this moment, I want to tell you the top 10 reasons I love Reno:

10.  It's sunny 300+ days a year.  Having spent most of my life in and around Chicago, and the last 7 years here in Rhode Island, I'm tired of the dreary gray winter months of January through March.

9.  There's no humidity.  See the above comment about having lived in the Midwest and East Coast, both very humid in summer months.

8.  There are no bugs!  Yep, no no seeums, no mosquitos, no ticks, no fleas...NO BUGS!  Maybe the occasional lizard, bear, and coyote but I can live with those.

South Lake Tahoe #02 | California

7.  Lake Tahoe (30 minutes from Reno) and year round outdoor living for the boys:  skiing (snow and water), boating, hiking, mountain climbing, biking, etc.

6.  It's 3.5 hours from San Francisco (my favorite US city) by car and less than one hour by plane.

5.  Lake Tahoe
lake tahoe fall 2005

4.  My tweeter friend Angie (@modernpaper and Jumping Jack Designs) lives there.

3.  C found a wonderful practice there with great people who are family oriented.

2.  The boys really like it and are excited about the move.

1.  It's the end of a long journey and the beginning of a new adventure for our family.

There you have it...a really big moment for us!  It feels great to be able to share this news with all of you.

How was your week?  Did you have a moment jump out at you?  Did you celebrate something or quietly do something for yourself?  Please Share!

om [one moment] meet upOM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment.  Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, looking for these moments can promote balance in our lives.

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below)  or on my Facebook fan  page. If you are on Twitter,  I've started a hash tag - #omMeetup so  that we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

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  1. Yahoo!

    Reno sounds like it has so much to offer. I am so happy for you & your family, it's been a LONG road for sure!

  2. So exciting! I can't wait to hear about your new adventures and I hope I get to meet you IRL before you move :)

  3. WOOOOOT! SO excited for you. I know what it's like to finally get to be in a place you love...or I will in a few months when my C. and I move to Asheville for his sabbatical! Looking forward to hearing more about the days ahead.

  4. Sniff, excited for you, but also sad to see you leave our wee state. Something tells me though that through the magic of blogs, twitter, FB and Craftland, we'll be in frequent contact. Virtual pho lunches? That's what we'll need to figure out how to do ;)

  5. Oops, my name got on there twice! Wow, quite a life-altering event. Best of luck to you! Margie

  6. Hooray!!!! So glad you're moving a drive away...I know how hard these itinerant, academic lives are. What's most awesome is that the boys are excited! WOOT!

  7. I'm honored to make your top ten! I'm SO biased, but Reno is a great place to live. I'd like to add numbers 11 and 12...

    11. Reno has the kindest people you'll ever meet and, 12. the sweetest Emu on the planet. Hee Hee!

    I'm excited for your move. I know you will feel at home here. Congratulations on saying it out loud and enjoy your adventure!

    Have fun in SF!

  8. I'm very happy for you, Linda! Though sad that you will be leaving my coast for the other's time zone, now I will have a great place to visit some of my favorite people.

    Long time coming... congratulations to your husband too!

  9. Congratulations to you and your whole family, Linda! Your excitement is palpable, and that's the right attitude to have from the get-go!!!! Let the good times roll!

  10. Congratulations! How exciting! Can't wait to hear more about your new adventure. I wish you and your family all the best with the move!!!

  11. How did I miss this AWESOME news? I'm so excited for you, Chris and the boys (and your girl will LOVE it, too!). Congrats!!! (and I'll miss you).

  12. I actually had no clue what you were moving! Congratulations! I know how you are feeling (at least I think I do). My girlfriend finished moving away as her husband completed medical school and is working at his uncles clinic. Good for you all, very exciting indeed!


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