Friday, October 22, 2010

Living with blind faith - OM [one moment] meet up - #27

We just got back from San Francisco last night.  What a great trip.  While C was in conference most of the time, I had a wonderful respite from every day life.  I did a lot of walking and my feet and lower back are paying the price, but it was still a lot of fun exploring downtown SF:  shopping, SFMoMa, Art Academy, restaurants, more shopping.

It is a loooong flight between the coasts.  Yesterday, we had a rough landing in Vegas before making a 5 1/2 hour trip to Providence. Upon touchdown, I leaned over to C and whispered, "It probably wasn't a good idea to watch 'The Worlds most Extreme Airports' last night."  He agreed.  The History Channel show was all about landing at airports such as the one in St. Barts where the runway is only 2000 feet before dumping into the water or in Tibet where the runway ends at a huge cliff.  Each of these airports have differing wind patterns and landing strategies that have to be perfected.  The pilots have to be excellent aviators to master these spots.

Crash landing in St. Barts:

It got me thinking about how we live much of our everyday lives with blind faith.  I may have been nervous yesterday about our landing but I had faith the pilot was going to get us home safely.   I put my child on a school bus everyday and have faith he'll come home safely.  I hop in the car to go to the store and have faith I won't be hit by another driver. 

Our impending move is picking up speed.  I know we have until June but I have to many ducks to get in order.  We saw the house of our dreams this week.  It is a house I can envision living in the rest of my life.  It would be absolute serendipity should we end up in this house.  Somehow, I have utmost, blind as a bat faith that everything will work out as it should.  It's what keeps me going every  I'm not even sure in what, but I have tons of it.  It has gotten me here thus far, so I'm gonna continue to grab onto it.

Do you have faith?  What keeps you going everyday?  Did you have a serendipitous moment this week?  Share with us!

om [one moment] meet upOM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment.  Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, looking for these moments can promote balance in our lives.

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below)  or on my Facebook fan  page. If you are on Twitter,  I've started a hash tag - #omMeetup so  that we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

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  1. Ah, blind faith - I know it well! I get goosebumps hearing about your house...sounds like this move is meant to be!

  2. Yes I agree, it sounds like your house was meant to be. So thrilled for you!

    Having some level of faith is so important, if we get too caught up in the "what ifs" we won't enjoy the ride!

  3. Faith, yes, absolutely! Congratulations on finding a home. I too have faith that everything will work out for the best ;) I can't wait to hear more, as things approach and gain speed. I'm so excited for you.

  4. I think the more we rely on technology to transport us, feed us, house us and entertain us, the more we must give ourselves over to blind faith. Otherwise we'd lose our minds under the pressure of worry. My theory is make decisions based in logic. Follow your instincts and think before you jump!


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