Friday, October 1, 2010

Finding my balance with a daily dose of creativity - OM [one moment] meet up #24

 art print by In a Pale Place

Balance in life - we are all looking for it.  Those of us who have found it, work at keeping it.  I'm beginning to realize and accept that routine and flexibility are key to balance.

By nature, I'm a type A, overachiever, stress inducer, non relaxing kind of person. This gets me into trouble as I take on too many things, worry about getting everything done, and then beat myself up for not doing it perfectly.  It's a vicious cycle.  Does this sound familiar to you?   I've been trying to break the cycle for a long time.

This week, I purposely mixed up my typical routine to see what would happen.  Although I was swimming in appointments, deadlines, and must-dos, I added exercise and creativity to my daily routine.  The exercise part is important and necessary.  It is the creativity part that was a surprise to me.  Let me explain.

The curse of the creativeClearly a big part of my work is sewing, jewelry making, designing, generally being creative.  However a large part of my work, and often more consuming part, is typical office management work:  bookkeeping, marketing, writing/blogging, planning, etc.  Yesterday, as I was busy working on deadlines at the computer, I stopped what I was doing and sat at my sewing machine.  I took 15 minutes and finished a few projects.  I did this, not because I had to but because I wanted to.  It felt great.  It didn't feel like work (although technically it was).  It felt like I was feeding my creativity.  Doing something creative in my day makes me happy:  new, old, starting or finishing a project.  I need to do something creative every day.

om [one moment] meet upOM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment.  Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, looking for these moments can promote balance in our lives.

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below)  or on my Facebook fan  page. If you are on Twitter,  I've started a hash tag - #omMeetup so  that we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

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  1. Just 15 minutes can make all the difference. We have so much to complete day to day and week to week that some of the enjoyment gets lost. Need to remember that we're doing this indie biz thing because we like it :)

  2. Sometimes we all need just a simple reminder to breathe deeply and be conscious of ourselves in that moment. Thanks so much for adding "Alice Blue". - Kat

  3. I completely relate to this! The administrative end of a creative business can be overwhelming. Some aspects I enjoy, others not so much. If I have a large order that needs to be "made" I can feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it. But once I get started it's almost therapeutic. I love it more than any other aspect of my business. I get lost. Time loses meaning. My mind is free. It triggers more creativity. We are makers. It's what fuels us.

  4. Wonderfully said, Angie. We are makers, indeed. We have to make not just do!!

  5. Oh yes, I hear you clucking big chicken (lol, I love that expression). It seems that you and I have similar personalities, sigh. Personally I'm so frustrated with all the computer work, as it's taking away from sewing time. I wonder if I need to shake up my routine and go on a electronics fast. Maybe this weekend!? Regardless, I'm going to make time for creativity today! No excuses!

  6. I hope you carry on this new addition to your routine. 15 minutes doesn't sound like a lot compared to all the hours of the day spent on other things, but it goes a long way in bringing balance to your life.

  7. Love this idea, I'm in! I have lots of photography on my site. I usually have my camera attached like an appendage! What fun!
    P.S. Found you through


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