Thursday, August 12, 2010

My life in lists: Guest blogger Allisa Jacobs shares her life in colors

My life Color List

Hello, this is Allisa Jacobs & I’m thrilled to be here, guest posting! Linda writes a fantastic series, My Life in Lists, and I knew I wanted to create one too...featuring my life in colors.  From bold & moody to bright & sunny I’ve gone through a spectrum of color preferences. I can say for sure though, that I’ve never ever been a fan of pastels.

Here’s a little peek at my life in colors:


Born the last year of the 70’s, I love looking back & seeing my lovely flower-child of a mom dressing me in all things bright & fun; grass green, tangerine, marigold & apricot.

Growing up, my rural town was a little late in getting fashion memos, especially for the eighties trend of neons. But boy, when we did, I was all about the neon lime green, black & white! A splash of hot pink? Sure!


After coming out of my teenage moodiness of hunter green & maroon, I finally embraced our high school colors of orange & yellow (still believe we loved orange before it was cool!) and other cheerful palettes of blues & pinks. The Mary Kay lady told me blue & rose pink were my colors. I held onto this as an nonnegotiable fact for a very long time. You can see this in photos from my junior year prom- cobalt blue formal dress & matching blue eye shadow with matte pink lips. (Where was my mother!?)


Moved to California & was ready to conquer the world. Full of confidence & excitement, I proudly sported bold colors; grass green, bright coral, indigo, turquoise blue, & sunshine yellow.  As a new high school teacher, my students often made fun of my fashion choices – one of my students dubbed my favorite green trousers- “John Deere pants”. But, I loved going through the world with so much color.


I’ve mellowed a bit in some ways. I can’t pull off those green pants if I tried. But I’m also seeing colors in a whole new way…through the eyes of my curious toddler. He loves anything orange. Which means, by extension, I do too (again). I’ll wear an apricot colored top to make him smile & my new sneakers have a slash of tangerine down the side. I feel like I’m settling in to my color preferences...a bit less about fashion (or Mary Kay ladies) and more about what feels good to me, like….maize, mango, persimmon, ocean blue, and chocolate brown. I think color choices really do reflect our feelings & stage in our life...I can’t wait to see what palette I’ll gravitate towards next!

[Thank you, Allisa, for introducing a great way to review our lives!  I, too, did a stint with the 80's neon but then gravitated to black in the 90's.  While my decor palette tends to be on the neutral side, I love bright colors that  I see in other's interiors.  I may have to rethink my whole color scheme now!

Allisa incorporates beatuiful colors into her handbags.  Be sure to visit her shop here and her blog here.   If you are on Twitter, you can follow her: @allisaJacobs here.

Allisa and I are guest blogging for each other.  I'll be writing a post on her blog in the coming week or so about what I did in my "other life;" My professional life before owning a small indie business.]


  1. what a fun post, allisa! i love the bright colours from your past, but i think the mellow "now" colours are just fantastic. it's not a palette that is common, nor is it seen everywhere you turn, but i love that it looks fresh, fun and current.
    i think i may have to spend some time with colourlovers myself, looks like fun!

  2. this is such a cool way of associating one's life with colors!

    i have a color coded series of posts on my blog too...come check it out when you have some time.



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