Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hiking Pack Monadnock in New Hampshire - another dog friendly find

Yesterday was utterly beautiful and much needed after a week of rain.  We loaded the family, including Sophie, into the car and drove 2 hours to Miller State Park in New Hampshire for a day hike.
"Located on the 2,290-foot summit and flank of Pack Monadnock in Peterborough,Miller is the oldest state park in New Hampshire. A winding 1.3-mile paved road leading to the scenic summit is open for visitors to drive in summer and on spring and fall weekends. Picnicking and hiking are popular activities at the scenic mountain park. Three main hiking trails ascend Pack Monadnock to the summit. The best known is the Wapack Trail, which is a 21-mile footpath that extends from Mt. Watatic in Ashburnham, Massachusetts to North Pack Monadnock in Greenfield." [source]

Hard to believe that tomorrow school begins again.  I'm sad to see it come yet eager to find our routine.


  1. Monadnock is a great hike, isn't it? I've heard it's the second most climbed mountain in the world, with Mount Fuji being the first.

  2. Wow, what a great idea! Sounds like fun. I can't believe that summer is over either? It will be difficult to get our schedules turned around...but soon enough we will be back in the flow of the school schedule. Frankly, I'm not looking forward to the morning madness! xoxo Beth

  3. Diana, yes it is a great hike. Even cooler if it is the second most climbed mountain!

    Beth, I hear you! I'm not ready for tomorrow but it's happening either way. Hope your morning isn't too crazy. BTW, heard Christian is now driving. wow!

  4. Sounds like a good time Linda. I could use a good hike! Great pictures!

    Had a very smooth 1st day sendoff today for the kids. It's the homework that I'm not looking forward to...high school for Eric! Yikes!


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