Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What home is to me - a la mode STUFF - a pin it forward mashup w/ SFGirlbyBay

[updated 6/16/10 - this post inspired me to design some digital prints you can see here.]

Victoria of SFGirlbyBay has put together yet another great blogging mashup this time along with Pinterest (a great new site that allows you to "pin" things you see and like on the internet to your own virtual pin board). Over 300 bloggers are scheduled to write a post about what home means to them over the course of 2 months. 

For me, this could not have come at a better moment, as my husband is interviewing for jobs [read more here] in this last year of his medical residency. I have struggled with the meaning of  home in the literal sense.  Our "home" has been temporary for many years.  Having this opportunity to dissect the meaning of home has helped me put the chaos of my impending move into perspective.

To me, home is:

What is home to you?

See more photos from my Pinterest Pin it Forward pin board here.

photo sources:  me, Spring Globe, enfi, Monika Thorpe, uhoh over, Trentlloyd,  me

Be sure to check out tomorrow's Pin it Forward by Make do and send, yesterday's by m.o.m.  and the many other groups scheduled here.


  1. If I were speaking directly to my husband and children.... I'd say, Home is where ever you are!

  2. Love your definitions of home! They can apply to anywhere in the world just by keeping everything that means home close to you.

  3. Love your idea of home! I just found out about pinterest and love it! I am off to check your pinterest board!

  4. Love the kitty by the door, "well? are you going to open it?" lol!

  5. What fun collage of images and notes you have for the post. Keep up the good work!

  6. lovely contribution! thanks so much for sharing your inspiring post! :)

  7. I love your thoughts (and images) on what home means to you. It really is true that no matter where your home is, the meaning and significance comes from within.

    I wish you every happiness in your new home...wherever it may be.

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful post!

  8. I love this pin-it-forward. I can totally related to your transience: we moved for my husband's PhD and then his post-doc and it's taken me four years to really feel that where we are now (that he has a permanent job) is where we'll stay. Though I guess nothing is for certain...

    Home is "where memories linger and friends remain" is so nicely put. Thanks for sharing!


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