Friday, June 18, 2010

OM [one moment] meet up - week #10 - unconditional love

Bug., originally uploaded by Jessica Florence.
I hope you all had a great week. I'm pretty sure I did, but it flew by so quickly I don't remember most of it. I have an adventure packed weekend ahead of me that I look forward to sharing with you next week. And I'm pretty excited about Father's Day.

This week, my OM moment came when I woke up one morning to find Sophie's neck and head stretched out over my stomach. She was sound asleep. As I lay there petting her, I realized I was on the receiving end of unconditional love. That is a great feeling.

What was your 'one moment' this week? What took you out of your present moment and made you wonder, scream, remember?

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below) or on my Facebook fan page. If you are on Twitter, I've started a hash tag - #OMmeetup so that we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

om [one moment] meet up


  1. Isn't that one of the best moments? Dogs are just the sweetest creatures and so unabashedly affectionate - like Love Nerds :)

  2. My One Moment came when our new rescue dog panicked and peed all over the new family room rug. It was a huge puddle! Being in the middle of a medium migraine I dragged myself off the couch gently picked her up, said "No, no peeing inside", and put her in the back yard. I calmly cleaned up the carpet and brought her back in for a cuddle. No upset, no worries, no yelling... that too is unconditional love :) I think she is my zen incarnate.
    Better week with the kids for you?

  3. oh, that photo is too sweet for words :)

  4. Ah, th unconditional love of our is truly awesome!

  5. How animals love, pure bliss! xoxo Beth

  6. Well, it looks like this week has a theme...pets. I have cats (allergic to dogs) and they are pretty great for cuddling too. What would our lives be like without them...I don't want to know.

  7. That picture of the tiny rodent and the toy is killing me. Toooooo cute! love it! I also absolutely love your blog!


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