Friday, May 21, 2010

OM [one moment] meet up - week 6 - vignette

My week was pretty hectic and while I could write about many "moments," one small one jumped out at me. 

I began sprucing up my garden last weekend.  Around Mother's Day each year, I start my plantings and begin to bring out my summer gear (pots, furniture, etc).

I  love adding a bit of decorative interest to my front porch.  It seems to change every year, but I like to make this area welcoming.  It's probably for me more than anyone else, but it makes me happy.  

Since our front is mostly shaded during the day, I found this hosta and plopped it into the pot.  I plopped my beloved concrete ball in the smaller pot, added a lantern (which I light when I know we are having guests) and one of many shells we've collected over the years.  Voila!  A corner with purpose.

This little corner by our door made me sit down and enjoy the ivy climbing up a trellis that hides our electricity meters.  I added a bench (from our backyard) and now I've found that I sit out front and watch the kids play and the neighbors pass by.   The boys are congregating (a.k.a loitering) here, too, which I actually love.

I took lots of other garden pictures that I'll share next week.  Have a wonderul weekend!!
What was your 'one moment' this week? What took you out of your present moment and made you pause, smile, slow down?

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below) or on my Facebook fan page. If you are on Twitter, I've started a hash tag - #OMmeetup so that we can converse if we'd like. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

To learn more about this weekly post, OM [one moment] meetup, please see the original post here.


  1. A lovely & peaceful vignette!
    xoxo Beth

  2. When I take a little time to create an outdoor area, it really does make me happy. I love what you've done to your porch.

    Can't wait to see the rest of the garden pictures! Enjoy your weekend too.

  3. What a nice display on your porch. I love porch's so much!

    My moment this week was a few minutes with my daughter. Being in high school, she is always busy, going somewhere, or hanging out with her friends, so when I can grab a few minutes I feel lucky. Eailer this week she came home after school, (she had plans to stay after) and surprised me. I was working in the dining room with the french doors open enjoying the sounds of the birds, and she sat with me and worked on her homework. It was a lovely few minutes, until the text messages starting coming in. I will just have to take those few minutes while I can.

  4. I had several moments this week that I will roll into one loving, supportive experience. My friends and family all taking time from their busy lives to see how I'm coping with the loss of AJ, our dog. The phone calls, cards, texts, and emails offering condolences, diversions, lunch dates, advice (very welcomed I might add) on when to get another dog, and any number of other ways to be there for us. Thank you, I love you all SO MUCH!

  5. Valerie, that is a moment to cherish for sure. As they get older, it becomes fewer and farther between!

    Kimberj, I meant to tell you last week how sorry I was to hear about your AJ. I've only begun to realize how amazing it is to have these wonderfully giving animals in our lives. Remember the many wonderful years you had with him!!

  6. I so look forward to these posts every week.

  7. Lovely place to spend your afternoon...


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