Friday, May 14, 2010

OM [one moment] meet up - week 5 - validation

I'll admit, yesterday I wasn't sure what I was going to write today for our 5th week OM [one moment] meet up.  My week was kind of a blurr.  I feel much like the hamster in the ball running around aimlessly bumping into things.

Peanut's day out! -Peanut-, originally uploaded by Kaede-wings.
Since my week started with my 8yo in the ER having a deep puncture wound in is bottom, I've been playing catch-up on work and obligations.  Do you ever have a week that feels off by a day or two.  I feel like it's only Wednesday.  Anyway, E is fine.  All is well and, thankfully, nothing serious came out of the accident.  One tetanus shot, two sore buns, and a handfull of antibiotics later, I'm here to tell you to always make sure your garden rakes are turned over with tines pushed into the ground.

My "moment" this week actually came late yesterday.  I sold my first photo (red hydrant) and it felt great (jolted me out of my numb state of being).  There is a sense of validation that comes with any sale, but this one was particularly special.  I've been taking photos since high school (it's actually one of the first artistic mediums that stuck with me) and finally got enough nerve to post a few photos in my Etsy shop.  Then I waited...thinking I'd let them expire and move on.  Lo, and behold, a photo sells.  "She likes me, she really likes me."  What a feeling!

om [one moment] meet upWhat was your 'one moment' this week? What took you out of your present moment and made you pause, smilebreath? 

Share in the blog comments here, on your own blog (and link back below) or on my Facebook fan page. If you are on Twitter, I've started a hash tag - #OMmeetup. We'd love to hear your moment this week!

To learn more about this weekly post, OM [one moment] meetup, please see the original post here.


  1. That is wonderful, Linda! I just checked out the photos you have in your shop and I do "really like" them. I think you should list more! I'm working on converting the playroom to my studio and would love to hang one of your works on the wall.

    Congratulations on a great moment.

  2. Congrats on your photo sale Linda! So exciting :-)

  3. Oh, that's great, congratulations!
    Good news about E too.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I didn't feel the burning ear syndrome last You didn't tell me about the convo. I don't know what Craftland is either....Have a great weekend!

  5. That's great Linda! Congratulations!!

  6. That feeling of a first sale - a great neat you get to have it again!

  7. Sounds like you had a busy week. Congrats on selling your photograph. I look forward to seeing more photographs in you shop.

    My moment happened during a week where I was tired of working a lot and getting nothing in return. On Wed. I finaly check the stats on my shop on GA and found out on Tuesday I had over 500 hits in my shop. After some reasearch I found out I was featured in a Etsy Finds post.

  8. Thanks, everyone! I'm enjoying your 'moments' as well.

    Additions, congrats! Don't you love little surprises like that?!

  9. Thanks again Linda for hosting these moments. Congrats on your sale!

  10. My heart is breaking. My one moment this week involves our beloved aussie, AJ. After 13.5 years of giving unconditional love to us, the pain he suffered removed all quality of life and we had to put him to sleep. However our vet made this sad occasion the best possible by sedating him so he slowly fell asleep in my arms after giving us all kisses. Then she administered the final dose and he passed away all cuddled up with "the mama". He is no longer in pain and I'm sure herding, protecting his sheep and bunnies. I know he'll be patiently waiting for us on the other side and that's what's getting me through. Thanks for letting me share.

  11. my One Moment was also photo compliment related! félicitations Linda! can't wait to check out your photo shop ;)

    thank you again for creating this meet up, such a wonderful way to take notice of a moment, not to mention meet such awesome new bloggers :)


  12. Congrats on your photo selling. I'm thinking about starting to sell a few of my favorite photos. I've missed a couple of weeks of posting my 'moments' but I have been having them, both tangible and not so tangible. I find that I pay much more attention to them now.


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