Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rug rage

Rug rage, originally uploaded by alamodestuff
This is what I've seen all over the neighborhood. People are ripping rugs and padding from their basements and putting them street side. What a crazy few days it's been here. They are saying RI hasn't seen floods like this in 200 years. Let's hope it's another 200 before we see this again.  Here is an aerial view of one of the main malls in the state.

We are supposed to have beautiful weather this weekend. It's much needed for both clean-up and moral.

If you have a moment, swing by my friend Kristin Crane's blog. She featured another artist friend whose studio is under water. Some of you may know Suzanne Tanner. I'm sure she could use some encouraging words.


  1. Hang in there...the weekend should bring some much needed relief....and some drying out.

  2. Hang in there...the weekend should bring some much needed relief....and some drying out.

  3. Thanks, Beth. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Glad you're going to have a good weekend and will dry out.


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