Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hump Day Humor: Funny Etsy finds

Today's post is dedicated to @CandiedFabrics, a.k.a. Candied Fabrics, for her daily sense of humor and sweet spirit.  She is always on the forefront of my TweetDeck, so much so that I type her name without even thinking!


Smarty Pegs by dippylulu

Childhood trauma soap by Septic Soaps

Recipe cards by Wild Sarcasm Sea


  1. Oh, you make me laugh! So glad to know you autonomically (yes spell check, I meant to type that - her hubby's a doctor, she knows what it means!) type my name ;-) Without twitter, my life would be a lonely one sometimes (well, lonely in a grownup sort of way...having kids means you're never really lonely...)

    Anyway...funny finds as always...I especially love the childhood trauma soap!

    Have a great day!

  2. For some reason, I thought you'd like the soap!

    Autonomically is should be a part of my vernacular as that is how I typically function.

  3. OH goodness...I love that soap! And, I need the clothspin with the "I spat" so that people will stay out of my snacks....especially

  4. haha! love the clothes pegs. very funny :) thanks for making hump day just a little brighter

  5. How can you not love these!!! I could write a whole posting on the head games we used to get my son to eat his vegees. He'd think this soap was hilarious!


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