Monday, April 12, 2010

Get creative with chalkboard paint - easy DIY

I have a "thing" for many things.  One of them is chalkboard paint.  Magnetic chalkboard paint is even better.  My first foray into this medium was years ago when I painted a wall in my kitchen.  Loved its usefulness and the kids were little enough to scribble on the bottom half.  Today, I have several chalkboards around the house and some Wallie chalkboard panels, but I'd love to find a large spot to paint.
Thinking I may as well paint this wall.
Found the Wallie panels at Home Goods on clearance!

I came across some great ideas on Flickr for inspiration:

via NEGS26

via decorscout

via pour toujours

via epmd

via JenWaller

via It's Great to be Home


  1. All these photos are so inspiring - they make me want to have my own chalkboard wall.

    But wait - I'm a teacher, and I know this to be true - I HATE CHALK DUST! How come none of these photos ever show the chalk dust that would be all over the floor? THe little bits of chalk everywhere in the room because someone dropped the chalk and it shattered into 10 teeny pieces?

    Linda - you can tell me, since you've lived with this it a pain in the a$$ or not as bad is I think it's gonna be?


  2. Candy, it actually isn't bad. My smaller panels and boards leave very little if anything. It also helps that I often use a damp cloth.

    For my larger wall (in my old house), I wasn't writing on it daily and it was very easy to maintain. Again, if I wrote a lot, I used a damp towel to wipe up. But It really isnt' something I write on every day. Maybe once a week.

    I leave one piece of chalk available, so that it isn't a free-for-all of chalk drawing craziness.

  3. I love this idea and would use it in our kitchen, except that we have very limited wall space. Do you think it would be effective on a door? I'm thinking of our pantry door, which is usually closed and centrally located.

  4. So many great ideas! Must find a way to try them :)

  5. Yes, doors are great items to paint. I've often thought of paintint the inner panel of my cabinets. Here are a few links to some I saw:

  6. Thanks! I'll check them out and give it a try!

  7. I so want to paint a wall with chalkboard paint now. I love that spice rack.

  8. These are terrific ideas!
    I've been thinking about doing something like that on a flat panel door in my kitchen (v. boring). I didn't even know that magnetic paint existed.


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