Wednesday, February 10, 2010

For the love of Social Media and Networking

I'm sorry to interrupt my regularly scheduled "Hump Day Humor." I really wanted to share an "in the moment" event and figured I'd bump the hump this week.

Last night, I attended a Parents Using Social Media event sponsored by What a fun and informative event. I was able to officially meet friends I had never met face-to-face, hear how others use social media, and make new connections. I sat back and wondered how I had gotten here. We all came from different places, careers, and backgrounds. Some of us were more immersed in social media (SM) than others. However, simply being present we were acknowledging that SM is impacting lives.

Whether you write or read blogs, Twitter, or simply connect on Facebook you are communicating via SM. Simply reading my blog right now, you are actively using SM. There is no escape, only varying degrees of access and use.
I love this new world of SM! As someone who works from my home, it has offered me a virtual world of colleagues and cube mates, opened a library of information that is literally at my fingertips, given me fantastic connections to people I would have never met and an incredible outlet to be creative and have a voice. It has given me inspiration, information, relief, laughter, and community.

Of course, and with everything, common sense must be used when it comes to SM. I'm very careful with personal information and my kid's access to it (a topic that will be saved for another post and will hopefully be addressed at a future Kidoinfo panel).

I thought I'd share some highlights and connections I made last night. Maybe through this post you will make a new connection as well.
Here are some interesting questions:
How does SM impact our kids?
Where is SM going next?
How do you balance SM with reality?
Does your SM persona match who you really are?

Interesting insights to consider (taken form Twitter search #kidopsm):

@kidoinfo: #kidopsm. Some parents see/use Twitter like mingling at a cocktail party. Facebook? Some make friends pass the dinner test. [would you sit down and drink a beer with this person]

@aWrinkleInTime: Social media is the death of cursive? I had to laugh at that one. Funny because it might be true! #kidopsm

@sbbuzz: #sbbuzz #kidopsm Erin says next big challenge is not getting sucked into the social/mobile world & neglecting real life relationships

@andypvd: #kidopsm social media has played a major role to address the loneliness and isolation related to being a parent and/or working from home

Here are some of the connections (old and new) that I made last night:

@Kidoinfo: Anisa is a designer, writer, and mother to two boys. Founder & Editor of parenting guide, Kidoinfo, based in Rhode Island–full of creative ideas, useful tips and local news.

@mriggen: Michelle is a writer, science lover. PopTech blogger. Mother of 2 creeps. Co-founder of BatchBlue Software.

@pmohara: Pamela is the lady with the Gravy at @BatchBlue and Co-founder of @sbbuzz. Working hard to make it work for the small biz universe.

@AmyRoPhoto: Amy is mom to two kids, wife to one big kid and a child and family photographer in Cranston, RI

cottage - tinkered treasures for your home Elysse of the blog, Cottage is a happily married, mostly-stay-at-home, kind of silly mom of two boys. In addition to my own blog, Cottage, I work as a communications consultant and also contribute articles to Kidoinfo.

Katy who considered herself a "normal" person without SM expertise, has a large presence on FB and I just found her blog about running barefoot and baking. Not so normal, Katy.

Jeanine of Rhode Island Families in Nature: Join Rhode Island Families in Nature and you will receive a free, monthly e-mail newsletter that includes a featured hike or natural place, tips to help your family enjoy nature, and many other practical resources. In addition, your family is invited to join us each month as we explore a different RI natural area together. Our monthly hikes are usually on a Saturday or Sunday, or during a school vacation.

Jackie of Hennessey PR Consulting is a corporate communications and journalism professional

@MichelleMeek: Michelle is a writer, Filmmaker, Founder of and the blog The Rhode Less Travelled
To be continued, I'm sure. How is SM impacting your life? What do you love and what do you hate?

1 comment:

  1. I just looked at that collage of SM logo's and got dizzy.


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