Thursday, February 4, 2010

Easy 3 cheese pizza

goat cheese, originally uploaded by Robin MacLean Illustration.

My friend Ann is the inspiration behind this incredibly easy pizza recipe. It's my new favorite and I've eaten it the last two Fridays during my family's "make your own pizza" night. [Ann, please let us know your recipe and secrets and I'll include them in the post.]

I typically buy my dough, already made, at the grocery store [Ann makes her own] or I make it in the bread maker. So, make your dough however you want, spread it out on your pan, and add the following ingredients:

olive oil (brushed over top of dough)
2 cloves chopped garlic
chopped green onion
mozzarella cheese
goat cheese

Bake at 400 degrees until crust is crispy and golden.

Yep, no sauce. You can use any type of cheese but the key, for me, is the goat cheese. Yum!!

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