Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Original, organic, computer generated jewelry by Nervous System

I popped over to Craftland today to drop off a seat belt messenger bag that a customer wanted. I had to peruse the goods...with holiday shopping in mind, of course. There were so many wonderful things to get me into trouble. I want a hat, fingerless gloves, jewelry (lots of jewelry), a headband, you get the picture.

I was able to pick up a couple really cool gifts (I know I'll find more when I put in my volunteer hours in the shop) and couldn't resist buying myself a little something.

I fell in love with this ring by Nervous System. I had seen their work before but never in person. LOVE IT! This particular ring is made from a hard nylon so it's lightweight and comfortable to wear. Best of all, it was only $15.00. I'd love to have it in sterling silver (hint, hint).

Nervous System is truly unique in both it's design process and end product. Using computer applications they explore their design concepts utilizing various algorithms they generate. The end result is beautifully organic pieces that essentially formed on their own. Their website goes into more detail as well as offers their applications for customers to explore and create their own custom pieces.


  1. Oh, very cool. I agree that it would look great in silver. You have a fantastic blog here! Such cool posts.


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