Friday, October 9, 2009

A fun Halloween tradition - ghosting

Late in the evening yesterday, the doorbell rang.
We weren't expecting anyone.
The lights were out.
We opened the door and found a bag of goodies, a note, and a picture of a ghost.
We saw rustling in the nearby bush.
Who's there?!

We were GHOSTED!

Are you familiar with this little neighborhood tradition? It was new to us when we move here 5 years ago. Each year when it happens, it not only surprises us but gives us a little rush of excitement.
Even if you don't have kids, trick your friends with this little treat and spread the Halloween fun.

Here's what you do:

1) Print two ghostly notes here.

2) Print two of these GHOST pics here.

3) Pick two neighbors/friends and stealthily deliver these with some goodies.

4) Stand back and watch the fun surprise unfold!

Halloween is my favorite "holiday." I have more ghoulish treats, projects, and decor coming your way. Stay tuned!


  1. Such a sweet tradition! I have to admit that some years it's scared the living "daylights" out of me! Great fun.

  2. Oh my word! So fun. From the way the note is written it sounds like this is definitely a neighbourhood thing. So fun! Getting random surprises of goodies is the best!

  3. Our ghosting started tonight! Can't wait to pass it on!! Love it!

  4. We were ghosted again last night. Our lights were off and I don't think they could see our ghost hanging in the window. [I'll have to remember to keep the lights on.]

    I guess we now have 4 houses to ghost tonight...


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