Thursday, September 17, 2009

New blog feature: Living Handmade

living handmadeI support handmade. I buy handmade. I live handmade as much as possible. I know many of you do too. As a seller of my own handmade products, I know how important it is to put my money where my mouth is. Luckily, today, it's easier than ever to buy great quality handmade items for everything we need. The handmade revolution has spilled out from the Internet into local boutiques and neighborhood fairs. Soaps, plants, food, clothes, furniture, linens...really anything you want, you can find.

I love looking around my home and seeing items that other people have made. So, I thought it would be great to do a new blog feature about how we incorporate handmade into our daily we use the items we purchase. Also, truth be told, I love to glimpse into other's homes and lives.

by JulieBCreative
Today, we peer into Julie Beck's home in RI. Julie is JulieBCreative on Etsy. She is a talented painter and
fellow member of the Arts in RI team. Familiar with Julie's work, I'm not surprised that she uses very similar colors in her home as she does her paintings: rich browns, muted blues, and deep yellows.

Thanks, Julie for sharing your home with us.

art filled bookshelves

1. bookshelves purchased at MOMA.
(Here is a post and tutorial on how to similar floating bookshelves yourselves. )
2. books purchased from Etsy
3. print purchased from Sickfeet on Etsy
4. a jelly jar filled with buttons purchased on Etsy

5. painting purchased from Karen Miller on Etsy
6. fake book purchased on Etsy

Hey, does that train on the upper right hand shelf look familiar?
salvaged wood clock by Karen Miller on Etsy

Join the Flickr group, Living Handmade, to share your pictures or simply stop by to look at others. Perhaps you home will be the next to be features.


  1. I Love this idea, and on my list of stuff to do is to take pix of handmade items in my house...don't hold your breath, because it's a LONG list ;-)

    I love the earthy tones in Julie's house!

    And even more, I LOVE the graphic you my head is a series of quilts using house shapes for compositional layouts...and this house has been added to my inspiration folder...thanks!

    note to self: stop sleeping!

  2. Love this new feature. I have to get rid of a bunch of stuff....however, I may be able to salvage it instead.

  3. I have loved giving and getting handmade since I was a kid!

  4. I always get excited over the holidays because I get to buy handmade for everyone.


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