Thursday, July 23, 2009

Great local resource for Safer Sitting Course

M, my 12 yr old, was quite upset when he found out that our local babysitting course (taught by the Red Cross and only offered in the summer, I believe) was full. He is going into 7th grade and is prime for sitting. However, we told him he had to take a safety course first. After suggesting he look online for alternatives, he found a course at our local hospital...where his dad works.

Yesterday, he completed this intensive 7 hour course. When I picked him up, he couldn't stop talking about what he had learned: the Heimlich, who to call for what type of incident/emergency, age appropriate activities, stranger danger, etc. I was very impressed and he was so enthusiastic. He even came away with a color coded folder with all the information and a certificate that he completed this Safe Sitting Course.

This class was so reasonably priced at $40.00. It was offered to kids 12 to 14 years of age. Many attendees were the kids of hospital employees, which says a lot to me. Here's a direct link to the Events and Classes page at Hasbro Children's Hospital, RI.

So, check out your local hospital for classes. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what they offer. You can also visit the Safe Sitter website

To my Rhode Island friends, M is ready and eager to start watching your kids.

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