Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life IS a mess and my studio/office even messier

This week certainly flew by! While I've felt a sense of productivity, I've also been bogged down with the need to clean out my office/studio. It's quite a mess and really harshes on my mellow.

Getting caught up on my emails this morning, I came across this gem from DailyWorth (a free daily personal finance email for women that delivers practical tips, empowering ideas and the occasional kick in the pants).

Life is Messy
Your office is a fire hazard. Your desk is covered with crap. Despite acute attempts to go paperless, the mailman continues to deliver to you reams of unwanted paper. Your Quicken log hasn't been categorized in months. Here's the catch: you can't create wealth while battling mess. Wealth, like any organic matter, needs space and light to grow.

How did she know?! That was just the "kick in the pants" I needed. Thanks, DailyWorth! Today, between kids karate and art classes, I'll be doing some organizing, purging, cleaning, and enjoying every minute of it.

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