So I was driving my son to school the other morning and passed a yard that had at least 11 very fat squirrels hovering around the base of a tree. We stopped and counted them, having never witnessed so many squirrels in one location. It was almost a little creepy; sort of "The Birds" but without the attack.
This morning, while looking out at a very windy storm, I noticed a fat squirrel eating in the middle of the yard. He seemed completely unaware of flying branches and rain. Clearly, these squirrels are on a mission to prepare for winter. The photo below is not of an actual squirrel in our neighborhood and is a slightly gross exaggeration of the size of our squirrels. However, ours are well on their way if they don't watch out.

I guess there is a lesson to be learned. We should always be diligent in our preparation for the future, no matter what the current economic climate may be.
Hey there, you Superior Scribbler, you! Just checking in with the winners, to see what's going on at your place. Also, I'd like to tell you 2 important things. First, please don't miss my Silly Sunday Sweepstakes can contribute to the legend of the Superior Scribler by helping us out! Also, I've been nominated for a pretty neat education blog award. You can vote for me, the Original Superior Scribbler, by visiting my place and clicking on the EduBlog icon. Thanks so much, and hope you visit soon!